Easy Simple Network Library  0.3.7
All Classes Functions Modules
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cesnlib::BufferBuffer class
 Cesnlib::IoBufferIO Buffer class
 Cesnlib::BufferManagerBuffer Manager, it will work like a memory pool
 Cesnlib::IoBufferManagerIO Buffer Manager, it will work like a memory pool
 Cesnlib::BusinessBase object class (for common data)
 Cesnlib::ClientClient class (interface)
 Cesnlib::CommonDataCommon Data class
 Cesnlib::IoFilterIO Filter class (interface)
 Cesnlib::MessageCodecCommon Message Codec Filter class, a filter who can extract a common message(format: header + body) from incoming bytes
 Cesnlib::StringCodecCommon String Codec Filter class, a filter who can extract a string(ends with specific char) from incoming bytes
 Cesnlib::IoHandlerIO Handler class (interface)
 Cesnlib::MessageHandlerCommon Message Handler class, an event handler who can handle network IO events for common message(format: header + body)
 Cesnlib::StringHandlerString Handler class, an event handler who can handle network IO events for string message(ends with specific char)
 Cesnlib::IoServiceIoService class, it will provide a thread running on IO port to process its IO events
 Cesnlib::IoServiceManagerPool of IoService (IO thread pool)
 Cesnlib::LoggerLogger class (interface)
 Cesnlib::LogManagerGlobal log manager
 Cesnlib::ServerServer class (interface)
 Cesnlib::SessionSession class (interface)
 Cesnlib::WorkWork class (interface), it will provide the callback function for the threads(the workers)
 Cesnlib::IoWorkIoWork class, it will provide the callback function for the threads(the workers) to handle io data(io buffer)
 Cesnlib::WorkManagerWork Manager class (interface), it will work like a thread pool